River Song, Dalek Missons, Festivals: Doctor Who Is Giving Us Life For The Rest of 2015!

Happy Whovian Month!

We are only a couple of weeks from Series 9!!! Celebrate…celebrate!!!

There is so much going on in the Whoniverse and it’s making our heads spin. Let’s make sense of some of it:

**Source: BBC America

First, the confirmation of River Song’s return. The BBC confirmed that Alex Kingston will reprise her role as the witty wife of The Doctor in the Christmas series. The announcement has caused yet another divide among Doctor Who fans. Some of us believe that River’s time ended perfectly with 11 and cannot imagine a River/12 pairing. Others are excited about the character’s appearance and have already started concocting theories about how she returns and if she is going to actually become a reoccurring character again. As I said before, I love River, but I am not really here for River/12 together. But, maybe I will be proven wrong!

There is also a great contest going on for Doctor Who fanatics who have digital creative skills. The BBC is holding a contest called #MissonDalek where fans are given clues about The Doctor and his whereabouts and encouraged to create their own story. Based on the website, it looks like it is open internationally, although there is a separate set of instructions for UK fans. Click here for more information and good luck!

Speaking of UK Whovians, The Doctor Who Festival is only a couple of months away. The big event is set to take place November 13-15th and include all the cosplay, stars, and coolness you can handle. I am jellis of YOU! But, US Whovians on the East Coast have their own con to attend with an equal amount of coolness on the same weekend. L.I. Who will take over Long Island, NY and has several confirmed guests including Noel Clarke (Mickey Smith), Camille Coduri (Jackie Tyler), and Carole Ann Ford aka Susan Foreman aka The Doctor’s Granddaughter!!! I will be wandering around doing press duties, so pick up your tickets and come say hey, what’s up, HELLO 🙂

-The Bad Wolf Blerd

**SN: Look out for a food post coming soon…let’s get our menus right for September 19th

Throwback Who: Goodbye River Song and The Revelation of Clara Oswald 



Can you believe it has already been two years since “The Name of The Doctor” aired? If you remember, we said goodbye to River Song in The Doctor’s tomb. Well now, word on the street is actress Alex Kingston may make a return with 12. Given the completely new personality of The Doctor, do you think they will mesh well? Or, do you think many of the dates that River hinted at in the past actually happened with Capaldi’s older Doctor?

 In the same episode, Clara’s mystery was also solved when we saw her jump into The Doctor’s timeline and scatter versions of herself everywhere. Do you think the show has tried too hard to make Clara important? And, how do you feel about her progression as a companion?

My thoughts: I like River Song but I think it’s best to leave her story where it ended. I am admittedly not a Clara fan (she annoys me and bores me simlutaneously) but I do like how there is no sexual tension between her and 12. I’m hoping this upcoming season will have the two of them just having fun and saving planets. I’m not here for a River/12 relationship. But if it happens…I’ll watch anyway lol

Clara…hmm. Not sure I’m digging her progression. I feel like the show is overly focused on her. Yes, modern companions are much more of a centerpiece in the series, but it’s a little much with this whole Clara in his streamline and throwing away TARDIS keys in a rage bit. I really hope my mind changes about her in Series 9…

Let me know your thoughts!

-The Bad Wolf Blerd 

Twitter: @badwolfblerd