Review: Season 9 Episode 1 ‘The Magician’s Apprentice’

***Disclaimer: This is a very general review of last night’s episode. I am in the USA (East Coast) and the review is slightly out of order because wibbly-wobbly-timey-wimey. You should be used to this as a Whovian***

Good Morning!

Yesterday, Whovians took over Twitter and made #DoctorWho a trending topic hours before the season 9 premiere dropped on BBC America at 9PM Eastern. The countdown was officially on as fans posted pictures of their premiere party menus and overall giddiness about the return of Twelve and his magnificent TARDIS. I posted a picture of the cupcakes I made with my 6-year-old daughter on my “regular” Twitter page and I was lucky enough to get a lot of love from my Doctor Who family!

After what has seemed like an eternity, “The Magcian’s Apprentice” finally aired and IT WAS LIT! Here are a few highlights from last night’s show:

The Introduction of the Hand Mines:

At the beginning of the show, we witness an exchange between a soldier (yay for him being Black) and a young boy who are standing in the middle of a desolate field. The soldier asks the boy if he knows what hand mines are and he replies yes. He asks him if he has ever seen one, and he looks down and says yes. Suprise…there is a creepy looking hand around the Black guy’s boot. And, as soon as we celebrated a seemingly cool Brotha, he was GONE. The hand drug him straight up in the ground y’all! The field quickly became populated with hands that had eyes in the middle of the palm.

Suddenly The Doctor’s sonic screwdriver appeared and he started coaching the young boy on how he would survive despite the insurmountable odds. The hand mines looked on like “nah, you bout to die” and the scared boy soon revealed his name: DAVROS…

There Were More Cameos than a Bad Boy Reunion

Everyone showed up last night: Davros, the Daleks, The Sisterhood, The Shadow Proclamation, and U.N.I.T. made the season premiere an action packed event. It honestly went down like a full-fledged movie instead of a TV series and ran about 70 minutes. And, we can’t forget that….

Missy Ain’t Dead


Thanks to the spoiler world we live in, we knew Missy was going to make her way back into the Whoniverse to stir up some trouble. And, of course, Missy came back with a bang! She stopped airspace and hacked UNIT to catch Clara’s attention. The ladies had an intense tea session complete with Missy calling Clara a puppy (shade), killing two random people to remind them that she is still evil, insinuating that The Doctor was born female, and surprisingly working with Clara to find The Doctor. He sent a will to Missy that indicated he was going to die the next day and Missy was not here for her archenemy dying. After all, her life revolves around being a pain in his ass. Actress Michelle Gomez was masterful (pun intended) as she gave us maximum levels of intelligence and sass.

A Black Member of UNIT Coined a New Catchphrase

Jaye and Kate

When Clara arrived at UNIT, she met up with Kate Lethbridge-Stewart and one of her brilliant associates named Jac (portrayed by Jaye Griffiths). I don’t know about you, but I was thrilled to see a Black woman taking the technical reins. When she described the phenomena of planes stopping mid-flight, she gave us yet another memorable line that spread like wildfire across Twitter.


“Pardon my sci-fi, but this is beyond human technology”

Surely “pardon my sci-fi” will be coming soon on a T-shirt near you….

The Doctor Turned Up for 3 Weeks

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Faced with his impending death and his apparent abandonment of kid Davros in a hand mine field, The Doctor decided it was best to abandon his heroic duties and turn up in medival times. Twelve tapped into his former selves and pulled up to a concert scene on top of a tank. With his electric guitar, plaid pants, and shades, he rocked it out and showed us a lighter side of The Doctor. After spotting Clara and Missy in the audience, he switched it up and started playing the riff from “Pretty Woman.” Fans wondered if he was playing for Missy or Clara. The truth is….he was playing it for me. Real talk…anyway, it was revealed that he was giving himself a final party for about 3 weeks. Unfortunately it all ended when Davros’ creepy watchdog Colony Sarff (he’s made of snakes btw) finds him and takes all three of them to another location called…


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Yes, The Doctor, Missy, and Clara are trapped on Skaro, the homebase for the Daleks. Any Doctor Who fan knows that Davros always comes running through with his woes! Anyway, Davros is about to die and wanted to go home. Oh, and he also made sure The Doctor watched Missy, Clara, and the TARDIS be blasted to smithereens by Daleks. Until next week….

Honestly…this is one of my favorite episodes of all-time! At the very end, The Doctor goes back in time to see kid Davros and he is about to kill him. I don’t know where this is going, but I am down for the ride!

What did you think about last night’s episode?

-The Bad Wolf Blerd

The Countdown to More Doctor Who Is ON!

Helllloooooo!! I’m back from San Diego and ready to talk about all the Doctor Who happenings lately.

First, lets talk about Series 9. As we all know, we are only a little over a month away from the return of the TARDIS, Twelve, Clara, and finding out who the heck that chick is from the trailer. Speaking of said chick, Steven Moffat spilled a spoiler and said that she is NOT someone from The Doctor’s past. So, there goes out theories of our mystery girl being Ace or The Doctor’s long-lost granddaughter. *sigh* The great part is, she is a new character who is slated to make a major impact on the show. I’m hoping she will be a new companion, but I’m trying not to put too much stock into what Moffat says. We were also told Danny Pink was going to be awesomely kick-ass, but we saw where that went. Grrr. But, I’m loving this promo image (courtesy of BBC America) of Twelve and Clara:

They are looking kinda cool y’all!! I don’t know about you…but I’m super excited about September 19th. I plan of compiling a great Whovian menu for the occasion and I will share it with you all 🙂

Moving on…

There is already chatter about Doctor Who‘s 10th season. First of all, round of applause for a 10th season. Now, thumbs down for rumors of it being delayed or abbreviated. Say What?!?! Yep…the word on the street is Moffat is such a busy dude that we may see the season split or delayed. The good news is the rumors are coming from a satirical magazine. The bad news is the same satirical magazine, Private Eye, has been spot on about previous rumors. So, we shall see!

In cool news, there will be a transgender actress on Doctor Who this season! Of course, this really isn’t too surprising for the liberal show, but it’s still dope news. According to my friends at The Mary Sue, comedienne and actress Bethany Black will take her turn beside our beloved Capaldi in an unknown role. Black revealed on her Facebook page that she is thrilled to be a part of the show. And, shes a Whovian like us so she’s basically living our dreams right now. Go head and prosper girl!

Okay…so this picture guys. Please tell me I’m not the only one with my head slightly in the gutter. My Whovian Facebook friends and I had a lengthy and very inappropriate conversation about loving The D. This shirt and its double meaning is wildly inappropriate. I shall buy it and wear it across time and space. Ha!

The Tenth Doctor Arrived 10 Years Ago!

 Today is both a sad and wonderful day in Whovian History!!!

10 years ago,  we said a tearful goodbye to the Ninth Doctor in the Series 1 Finale “The Parting of Ways.” For many young Doctor Who fans, Christopher Eccelston’s brooding yet brilliant Doctor was their first Doctor. And….we never forget our first one!

But suddenly, he takes on all the universe’s energy from Bad Wolf Rose and BAM, dude starts shooting fire from his limbs and lights up like a Christmas tree. I’m sure I wasn’t the only person that wondered what the hell was happening when a new dude showed up in his place. Don’t judge me….I wasn’t aware of the regeneration aspect of the show until I did some research online.

The “new guy” was the beginning of a great era. David Tennant’s beloved Tenth Doctor took over with a burst of personality, a sharp suit, and fly footwear. And, the now classic pairing of Ten/Rose was born!

If you don’t mind getting in your feelings today, then you can relive the regeneration via this clip:

Farewell Nine, Hello Ten

Are you a fan of 10? Or does another Doctor have your heart?

-The Bad Wolf Blerd 

Happy 8th Anniversary Weeping Angels

It’s all about the Weeping Angels today!

8 years ago, the Weeping Angels made their creepy debut on Doctor Who. The stony adversaries first appeared on the Doctor-lite episode Blink and have been killing us slowly since then. I don’t know about you, but I think every episode they are in is excellent! 

When I did press at a convention earlier this year, I ran into this cosplayer and she nailed the look!

Have you ever had an encounter with a weeping angel???

-The Bad Wolf Blerd

Attention Cosplayers!!! Doctor Who Magazine Wants to Feature YOU

Are your cosplay skills so dope that the world needs to see them? If your answer is “hell yeah,” then Doctor Who Magazine has an opportunity for YOU!

The monthly magazine announced a special opportunity for Whovian cosplayers on Twitter yesterday. According to the tweet, you can hit them up via email with your pics and your story:

“Are you a Doctor Who cosplayer? Would you like to be featured in DWM? Send us your photos and tell us your story! Email” -@DWMtweets

So get your best photos together and show them that Blerd Whovians are the best cosplayers!

-The Bad Wolf Blerd

Black Cosplay: Martha Jones!

Hellooooo Whovians! 

A couple of months ago, I did press at a new Doctor Who convention in Maryland. When I arrived, the first cosplayer I ran into was Amber M. from Tusubasa Nyan Cosplay. Amber has been doing cosplay for a couple of years now and she was working staff at the convention as Martha Jones. Check out her look here vs. the real Martha Jones!

Martha Jones

She nailed it, right? Have any of you cosplayed Martha Jones?

If you are thinking about doing it this year, check out these websites to pull your look together:

Jacket: I have had a friend order a replica of Ten’s coat from this website and he said the quality was excellent. It’s a bit pricy at a little over $100, but it would probably be worth it since they do custom measurements to fit your frame:

Jeans: This is an easy part. The jeans need to be boot cut and stone washed. These can be found at whatever trendy-ish store you like to shop at…l found a similar pair to Martha’s on this website, but feel free to head to a store and find a pair in your price range. Don’t splurge on jeans…unless you want to!

Top: Keep it Simple. It’s a basic tank top with a little lace trip. Pick one up here for less than $10.

Boots: Once again, a simple addition. You probably have a pair of low-heeled Black boots in your closet, but if you don’t, pick up at pair at JcPenney

Of course, there are ways to put a spin on her look like rocking natural hair or finding some cool jewelry to compliment your personal style. Either way, the goal is to be like Amber and have fun with it!

-The Bad Wolf Blerd

Osgood and Zygons to Appear in Season 9

At the end of Series 8, we were shocked and sad to see Ingrid Osgood killed off by Missy. Like, what was the reason? Smh. But, despite saying she was gone for good, Steven Moffat is going to use his showrunner powers for good and bring back the Doctor fanatic. But, will she be the same woman….it looks like we might be in for a shocker!

We DO know that she will go for Round 2 with the Zygons! Yep, the 50th anniversary monster is set to make a return this fall. They were rather clever so things are going to be interesting….

I’ve always thought Osgood would be a great companion. What do you think?

Check out more about her return here!

-The Bad Wolf Blerd

David Tennant and Billie Piper Q&A Panel at Wizard World To Be Streamed LIVE Online

I’ve got news!!!

If you are a USA Whovian who couldn’t make it to the Wizard World Convention that’s going down in Philly this weekend (like me) then you are in luck!

No,Ten and Rose won’t come to your house and kidnap you in the TARDIS. But, you can catch their joint panel this Saturday from 10:30-11:15AM Eastern time ONLINE for free-99!! That’s right! It’s the next best thing to being in the building!   For more info on how to sign up, head over to Wizard World’s website!

-The Bad Wolf Blerd

Comics, Conventions, A Symphony, and Series 9 Information – What’s Going On In the Whoniverse?

12 Things We Learned at (Re)Generation Who

Happy Friday! Even though we still have a few months to wait until Doctor Who returns to TV, there is plenty of news and Whoniverse happenings to keep us busy in the meantime. Here is a quick compilation of this week’s Whovian news:

  • May 2nd (tomorrow) is Free Comic Book Day! Head out to your local comic and show your love for The Doctor. Pick up the special edition Doctor Who comic book featuring three stories from the 10th, 11th, and 12th Doctors!! If you don’t know where your local comic book stores are located, click here and find out where you need to be tomorrow!

  • Slowly but surely, information about Series 9 is starting to spill across the Internet. According to BBC America, there will be 12 episodes and a Christmas special for the 2015 season. This format is familiar, but Steven Moffat has confirmed that there will be two-part episodes. Personally, I like two-parters because they leave more room for The Doctor to concoct creative solutions instead of having to come up with quick fixes in a television hour.
  • ATL Whovians who are interested in attending TimeGate Convention need to pre-register TONIGHT to received a discounted rate on full-weekend passes! For those who don’t know, TimeGate Convention is a Doctor Who convention that takes place each year in May (this year’s dates are May 24-26). I actually covered this convention in an article for The Guardian back in February. This year, the convention will feature special guests Michelle Gomez (Missy) and Katy Manning (3rd Doctor companion Jo Grant) among others. Can’t get passes tonight? No problem. You can still grab passes at the door! Check out their website for pass prices and other information.
  • A Doctor Who symphony? Yes, you read that right. BBC Worldwide North America is bringing the Doctor Who Symphonic Spectacular to the USA! The live event will take place at the Barclays Center in Brooklyn on October 7th, 2015. And, it’s no surprise that The Master will be THE MASTER of ceremonies. Actually, I guess you would call her The Mistress instead…Michelle Gomez will indeed be in the building! Expect a ton of musicians, singers, and even an appearance the Daleks and Judoon. Tickets go on sale with a pre-sale code on 5/6 and release to the general public on 5/8 and it’s sure to be a sold-out affair. Sooo…where do you sign up? Head here for the details! **Hint: Head over to BBC’s website on Cinco de Mayo for a special pre-sale code.

Doctor Who Symphonic Spectacular in New YorkPhoto: BBC America

Well, there you have it! Grab a comic, sign up for a convention, wait impatiently for Season 9, and sign up for a symphony!

Have a great weekend!

-The Bad Wolf Blerd

Welcome to Bad Wolf Blerd!

Hello Whovians!

You may be wondering what this new blog is all about…so here are the answers to your burning questions!

What is Bad Wolf Blerd?

Bad Wolf Blerd is a website for Black Whovians to come together and talk all things TARDIS related! I am a Black woman who loves Doctor Who, but unfortunately I don’t have any Black friends IRL who share my passion for The Doctor. I wanted to create a community for other Whovians who want to connect with people of color for information, discussions, reviews, and a few good laughs. This blog is not meant to be exclusionary, but rather a way for a specific group of people to find a place where they feel like they belong.

Who am I?

I am Tai Gooden, freelance writer extraordinaire. Well, maybe not that extraordinary, but I do freelance write. I have written for a ton of publications including Paste Magazine, The Guardian, BlackGirlNerds, HuffPost, and xojane. I write about everything from Doctor Who to personal essays about depression/suicide. I have been a Whovian for a few years and I have had a chance to meet a few interesting people throughout my journey.

What can I expect?

A little bit of everything. I want to post viral videos, press releases, reviews, art, poetry, and pretty much anything else that celebrates one of the greatest shows of all time! I’m a busy lady, but you can expect at least 3-5 posts a week. As the audience grows both here and on Twitter, I would love to eventually do live tweet sessions and podcasts! So if that is what you want, then help me grow our community!

Follow me on Twitter!

I’m excited about this journey! Allons-y!

-Tai Gooden